Local services in Adelaide
Visitors, students and residents of Adelaide can find information about local services and amenities or visit Events to find out more about local events or Local Traders about local tradespeople
Adelaide has established a reputation as one of the nation’s steadiest and most consistent markets. It presents as a safe place to own real estate – and, increasingly, as a market likely to deliver good capital growth.
The city also offers an enviable lifestyle, with its river, beaches, accessible hills district and renowned wine districts on the northern fringe.
Dental Service
Adelaide Dentists are providing high quality, comfortable dental care to Adelaide and surrounds in a modern and relaxed environment.
Properties for Sale & Rent
Adelaide estate agents can help you find the environmentally-friendly space you’ve been seeking – whether it’s an energy-efficient high rise apartment or a house amongst the trees.
~Things To See and Do, Activities and Family Activities, Attractions and Places to Visit in Adelaide~